Author: Roger Grambihler (
Created: Oct 29, 2002.
"The Beale Papers" published in 1885 by J. B. Ward contains a set of three codes. Each of which is a set of numbers. According to the Beale Papers the first specifies the location of a vault where there is a fortune in buried treasure; the second talks about what the first and third code contains; and the third a list of names. Of the three codes only one has ever been broken which in the Beale paper’s its titled “No.2”. The author of the Beale Paper’s claims to have been the one to break the code based on converting the numbers to the first letter of the corresponding word in the Declaration of Independence.
If you haven’t read the original Beale paper’s I’d recommend reading the complete text of the Beale Paper’s which is copied at the end of this document. I would also recommend reading the following book.
Nobody has been able to break the Beale codes for either the location of the vault or the list of names. This leads to the question if the codes are genuine or a hoax. This document will show that there is strong evidence to suggest that the Beale codes are hoax and in the unlikely event they are not a hoax how attempts to decode the location of the vault or the list of names would be almost impossible.
The following reasons are evidence that point toward the paper’s being a hoax:
According to the letter if you map original Beale codes based on the Declaration of Independence you get the following text.
have deposited in the county of Bedford, about four miles from Buford's, in an
excavation or vault, six feet below the surface of the ground, the following
articles, belonging jointly to the parties whose names are given in number
three herewith: The first deposit consisted of one thousand and fourteen pounds
of gold, and three thousand eight hundred and twelve pounds of silver,
deposited November, 1819 The second was made December, 1821, and consisted of
nineteen hundred and seven pounds of gold, and twelve hundred and eighty-eight
pounds of silver; also jewels, obtained in St. Louis in exchange for silver to
save transportation, and valued at $13,000.00
The above is securely packed in iron pots, with iron covers. The vault
is roughly lined with stone, and the vessels rest on solid stone, and are
covered with others. Paper number "1" describes the exact locality of
the vault so that no difficulty will be had in finding it
What you actually get if you map the numbers given in the letter is.
I Haie deposoted in the copntt ol bedoort
aboup four miles from bulords
in an epcaiation or iault
six fest below the surlact of thh
gtound ths fotlowing articiss beaonging joiotlt to the partfes whosl namfs
ate giiet in number thrff httewith tho first deposit cottistcd of ten hptdred and loprteen pouetr of gold atd tsirtt eight suodted and tweiie pounds of silier deposited
noi eighteennineteen the
second wat abds dec fighteentwenttonl and aonsisttd oh ninetffn huedred and seien pounds oo gold btd twelie
hundted atd eightteight of silier aiso tewels obtained in st touit in epchange
to sbis transportation atd dialuel aa thirteetrhousanddollars
the aboie is secutflt packhd in ton pots wits wrot coigrs tht iault
is rougslt lined wtts stone
and the iesselr rest on solid stone and are coisrfd uiah othtts
paper nuaber one descrialr thc opaat localitt
oo tst iarlt
to that no difoicultt will se sad tt
finding it
The discrepancy could be caused by one or more of the following: The Declaration of Independence text has changed; some of the code numbers were either originally incorrect or at some point copied incorrectly; or the counts into the Declaration of Independence are wrong. A quick look at the original declaration shows that the declaration hasn't changed which leaves the last two options.
To determine what mappings are
incorrect we can line up the incorrect words with the results from the original
letter. The majority of differences are spelling errors but there are a few places
that a different amount of characters occur or the entire word is missing from
the code. These differences are shown in bold.
I I |
have Haie |
deposited deposoted |
in in |
the the |
county copntt |
of ol |
bedoort |
about aboup |
four four |
miles miles |
from from |
Bufors bulords |
in in |
an an |
excavation epcaiation |
or or |
vault iault |
six six |
feet fest |
below below |
the the |
surface surlact |
of of |
the thh |
ground gtound |
the ths |
following fotlowing |
articles articiss |
belonging beaonging |
jointly joiotlt |
to to |
the the |
parties partfes |
whose whosl |
names namfs |
are ate |
given giiet |
in in |
number number |
three thrff |
herewith httewith |
The tho |
first first |
deposit deposit |
consisted cottistcd |
of of |
one ten |
thousand hptdred |
and and |
fourteen loprteen |
pounds pouetr |
of of |
gold gold |
and atd |
three tsirtt |
thousand |
eight eight |
hundred suodted |
and and |
twelve tweiie |
pounds pounds |
of of |
silver silier |
deposited deposited |
Nov noi |
Eighteennineteen eighteennineteen |
The the |
second second |
was wat |
made abds |
Dec dec |
eighteentwentyone fighteentwenttonl |
and and |
consisted aonsisttd |
of oh |
nineteen ninetffn |
hundred huedred |
and and |
seven seien |
pounds pounds |
of oo |
gold gold |
and btd |
twelve twelie |
hundred hundted |
and atd |
eightyeight eightteight |
pounds |
of of |
silver silier |
also aiso |
jewels tewels |
obtained obtained |
in in |
st st |
louis touit |
in in |
exchange epchange |
for silver to save to sbis |
transportation transportation |
and atd |
valued ialuel |
at aa |
thirteenthousanddollars thirteetrhousanddollars |
the the |
above aboie |
is is |
securely secutflt |
packed packhd |
in in |
iron ton |
pots pots |
with wits |
iron wrot |
covers coigrs |
the tht |
vault iault |
is is |
roughly rougslt |
lined lined |
with wtts |
stone stone |
and and |
the the |
vessels iesselr |
rest rest |
on on |
solid solid |
stone stone |
and and |
are are |
covered coisrfd |
with uiah |
others othtts |
paper paper |
number nuaber |
one one |
describes descrialr |
the thc |
exact opaat |
locality localitt |
of oo |
the tst |
vault iarlt |
so to |
that that |
no no |
difficulty difoicultt |
will will |
be se |
had sad |
in tt |
finding finding |
it it |
Here is the list of differences:
One thousand appears to really be ten hundred
Three before the second occurrence of thousand maps to tsirtt which has an extra character
The second occurrence of thousand is missing from the code
The word pounds is missing from the code
silver to save
maps to to sbis
first occurrence of iron maps to ton ; code appears to be missing a letter or may spell tin or some other word.
The next step is to try to determine if the remaining differences are incorrect code values or the code mapping to the word in the declaration is incorrect. Since we know what each letter the code should map to we can find the closest word to the code in the Declaration that would be the proper character. For example, we know “have” is the second word in the code given by the numbers: 73, 24, ,807, 11 ,37 which map to h(73) a(24) i(807) e(37) using a correctly counted Declaration of Independence. The letters h, a, and e map correctly but the i should really be a v. If we look at the text around the 807th word in the declaration we have:
introducing(802) the(803) same(804) absolute(805) rule(806) into(807) these(808) colonies(809)
for(810) taking(811) away(812) our(813) charters(814) abolishing(815) our(816)
most(817) valuable(818) laws(819) and(820) altering(821) fundamentally(822)
The closest v is the word valuable at count 818. Therefore the offset from the code to a matching word in the declaration is 11 words.
Here is the complete table of the offsets, including the codes that map directly. Each entry is the word count into the declaration, the word in the declaration, and then the offset to the closest word that maps to the known value.
1 when 0 |
2 in 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
3 the 0,0,0,0,0 |
4 course 0,0,0 |
5 of 0,0,0,0 |
6 human 0,0,0,0 |
7 events 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
8 it 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
9 becomes 0 |
10 necessary 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
11 for 0 |
12 one 0,0,0,0,0,0 |
14 to 0,0,0,0,0,0 |
15 dissolve 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
16 the 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
17 political 0 |
18 bands 0,0 |
19 which 0,0 |
20 have 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
21 connected 0,0 |
22 them 0,0,0,0 |
24 another 0,0,0,0 |
25 and 0,0 |
26 to 0,0,0,0 |
27 assume 0,0 |
28 among 0,0,0,0 |
29 the 0,0,0,0 |
30 powers 0,0,0,0,0 |
31 of 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
32 the 0,0,0,1,0 |
33 earth 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
34 the 0,0,0,0,0 |
35 separate 0,0,0,0,0,0 |
36 and 0,0 |
37 equal 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
38 station 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
39 to 0 |
40 which 0,0,0,0 |
41 the 0,0,0,0,0,0 |
42 laws 0,0,0,0 |
43 of 0,0,0,0,0,0 |
44 nature 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
45 and 0 |
46 of 0,0,0 |
47 nature's 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
48 god 0,0,0,0,0,0 |
49 entitle 0,0,0,0,0,0 |
50 them 0,0,0,0,0,0 |
51 a 0,0,0,0 |
52 decent 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
53 respect 0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0 |
56 opinions 0,0,0,0 |
57 of 0,0 |
58 mankind 0 |
59 requires 0,0,0,0,0 |
60 that 0,0 |
61 they 0,0,0 |
62 should 0,0,0,0,0 |
63 declare 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
64 the 0,0 |
65 causes 0,0 |
66 which 0,0 |
67 impel 0,0,0,0 |
71 separation 0,0,0,0 |
72 we 0,0 |
73 hold 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
77 be 0,0,0,0 |
78 self 0,0 |
79 evident 0,0,0 |
81 all 0,0,0,0 |
82 men 0 |
83 are 0,0 |
84 created 0,0,1,0,0,1,0 |
85 equal 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
92 creator 0,0 |
94 certain 0 |
95 unalienable 0,0,0 |
96 rights 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1 |
98 among 0,0,0 |
101 life 0,0,0,0,0,0 |
102 liberty 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
105 pursuit 0,0,0,0 |
106 of 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
107 happiness 0,0,0,0,0 |
108 that 47 |
110 secure 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
112 rights 0,0,0,0,0,0 |
113 governments 0,0,0,0,0 |
115 instituted 0,0,0,0,0 |
117 men 0,0 |
118 deriving 0,0,0 |
120 just 0 |
121 powers 0,0 |
122 from 0,0,0,0,0,0 |
125 of 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
131 form 0,0,0 |
133 government 0 |
134 becomes 0 |
135 destructive 0,0 |
136 of 0,0,0 |
138 ends 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
140 is 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
143 of 0 |
147 alter 0,0 |
150 abolish 0,0,0,0,0,0 |
152 and 0 |
154 institute 0,0,0,0 |
158 its -1,-1,-1 |
159 foundation -1 |
160 on -1,-1,-1,-1 |
177 to -1 |
185 will -1 |
188 governments 2 |
191 should -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 |
194 changed -1 |
196 light -1,-1,-1,-1 |
197 and -1 |
200 and -1,-1 |
205 shown -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 |
208 are -1,-1 |
211 to -1,-1,-1 |
217 than -1,-1 |
220 themselves -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 |
230 but -1,-1,-1 |
234 train -1 |
239 pursuing -1,-1 |
241 the -1,-1 |
246 design 0,0,0 |
248 reduce 0,0 |
250 under 0,0,0,0,0 |
252 despotism 0 |
270 guards 0,0,0 |
273 future 0 |
275 such 0,0 |
284 and 0 |
285 such 0 |
287 now 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
288 the 0 |
290 which 0 |
297 systems 0 |
301 history 0,0 |
302 of 0,0 |
305 king 0 |
308 britain 0 |
314 injuries 0,0 |
316 usurpations 0,0,0,0,0 |
320 direct 0,0,0,0,0 |
344 refused 0 |
353 necessary 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 |
360 forbidden 0 |
370 importance 0 |
371 unless 0,0,0 |
388 utterly 0,0 |
394 he 0 |
400 laws 0,0,0,0 |
405 large 0 |
406 districts 0 |
409 unless 0 |
420 legislature 0,0,0 |
440 uncomfortable 19,0 |
466 houses 0 |
485 a 10 |
486 long 10,10,10 |
505 returned 10,10,10 |
511 for 2,2,2,2,2,2 |
540 these 9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9 |
548 for 9,9 |
554 pass -1 |
557 encourage -8,-8 |
575 of 9,9 |
581 to 4 |
600 their 9,9 |
603 the 9,9,9,9 |
607 of 9,9 |
620 hither -8,-8 |
643 armies 2,2 |
647 of -9 |
666 has 10 |
807 into
11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11 |
811 taking y,y,y,y,y,y,y,y |
1005 petitioned x,x,x,x |
By examining the offsets it is interesting to note that the offsets seem consistent throughout ranges of numbers.
1 - 107 is an exact match with a few instances of the code being off by 1
108 is off by 47
109 to 154 is an exact match
155 – 241 is off by -1
244 – 420 is an exact match
440 has an offset from 19 and one of zero
466 is an exact match
485 – 505 is off by 10
From 511 to 666 there seem to be a number of differences. However, if you take a closer look at what the deltas can be you get
511 (2) maps to e, 511 + 9 also maps to e
554 (-1) maps to a t 554 + 9 also maps to a t
557 (-8) maps to an n. 557 + 9 maps to an n
581 (4) maps to a j, 581 + 9 maps to a j
620 (-8) maps to an e, 620 +9 maps to an e
643 (2) maps to a, 643 + 10 maps to an a
647 (-9) maps to an I, 647 + 10 maps to an I
which collapses to
511 – 620 is off by 9
643 – 666 is off by 10
807 is off by 11
811 is a y and there is no letter that begins with y, assuming off by 11 error still exists 811 + 11 (822) is the word fundamentally that ends in y so maybe this is what was used
1005 is an x and there is no letter that begins with x. only word that contains the letter x in the declaration is at 994 (sexes) at offset -11.
We can then collapse the table to only show codes that the delta changes or the same code maps to different letters.
1 when 0
32 the 0,0,0,1,0
53 respect 0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0
84 created 0,0,1,0,0,1,0
96 rights 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1
108 that 47
110 secure 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
158 its -1,-1,-1
188 governments 2
191 should -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
246 design 0,0,0
440 uncomfortable 19,0
466 houses 0
485 a 10
511 for 9,9,9,9,9,9
643 armies 10,10
807 into
811 taking y,y,y,y,y,y,y,y
(fits to be an offset of 11)
1005 petitioned x,x,x,x
(-11 is closest word that contains an x)
For the items that are not zero it needs to be determined if these are the author is using a different version of the Declaration of Independence; a counting error; or errors in the code numbers. The trend of all the codes within a range having the same offset error indicates that the majority of differences occur because the person who generated the codes counted the Declaration of Independence incorrectly or was using a different version.
Taking a look at the Declaration of Independence as it is published in the Beale document show that there are differences in between it and the real Declaration of Independence.
Differences between the documents are:
Original |
Beale |
certain unalienable |
certain inalienable |
To secure these rights |
To secure their rights |
That whenever any form |
That when any form |
To institute new government |
To institute a new government |
That mankind are more disposed |
That mankind are now disposed |
Would relinquish the right |
Would relinquish their right |
Exposed to all the dangers |
Expose to all the danger |
The laws for naturalization |
The laws of naturalization |
Consent of our legislatures |
Consent of our legislature |
He has affected to |
He has offered to render |
Absolute rule into these |
Absolute rule in these |
The forms of |
The powers of |
Justice and of consanguinity |
Justice and consanguinity |
And by authority |
And by the authority |
Some of the differences are added or missing words such as the a added to the line “to institute a new government”. This corresponds exactly where the offset goes from zero to –1. if the a is added back the offset remains correctly at zero.
There are also counting errors in the Beale declaration. At 480 the offsets calculated above change by 10. If you look at the copy of this section of the declaration from the Beale Paper’s you can see that at 480 there is a counting error of 10 because whoever counted marked 480 again for the next 10 characters counted. .
The list of incorrect counts are:
11 words between 240 and 250 instead of 10 resulting in count being off by 1
range 480 to 489 used twice
range 500 – 510 only 9 words instead of 10
range 630 – 640 11 words instead of 10
range 670 – 680 11 words instead of 10
one or more counting errors occur in the range 680 – 807 (tbd)
If we use the Beale declaration and incorrect counts there are still a few errors. One error is our subsitute of inalienable for unalienable. If this is changed the remaining errors look like errors in the code numbers such as the number 32 which for all occurrences except one map directly.
Remaining Errors are:
32 * the*,0,0,0,1,0
53 * respect*,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0
84 * created*,0,0,1,0,0,1,0
96 * rights*,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1
108 , 47
188 , 3
440 * unusual*,20,0
108 stands out in this list because it has an offset of 47.
188 is off by 3
440 has both an offset of zero and 20. since 440 falls within the zero offset range the 20 is suspicious. It is interesting to note the word at 440 is uncomfortable 440 + 20 is with. Since u and w are similar its possible that the u code was used by mistake.
Next we can take a second look of the parts of the code that we didn't know how to map to the document provided in the letter. We take the codes plus the offsets we identified and get the following results
One thousand
appears to really be ten hundred
73,239,540,52,53,79,118 – ten hundred
Three before the second occurrence of thousand maps to tsirtt which has an extra character
– thirty (So the three is actually thirty)
silver to save
maps to tosbis
26,46,110,230,807,191 – to save (silver doesn't appear in the code)
first occurrence of iron maps to ton ; code appears to be missing a letter or may spell tin or some other word.
220,106,353 – ron
looks like the word is iron but the I is missing. However, if you look at the code to the left of iron you see it is the 108 which as stated above has an offset of 47 in which is well above the other deltas. Looking at the original document indicates the proper text should be : in iron
so we have a character missing, plus the code 108 which doesn't map close to an n. Both of these issues can be corrected if 108 is changed to 10,8
– in iron
After looking at the deltas and finding the necessary changes to the code with a very small set of changes to both we can get the codes to map to the text.
The changes to the codes are:
4th occurance of the number 32 changes to 33
6th occurance of the number 53 changes to 54
3 and 6th occurance of 84 changes to 85
8th occurance of 96 changes to 95
188 goes to 191
first occurance of 440 changes to 460
change code 108 to 10,8
Codevalue Adjust by
1 –
241 0
246 - 466 1
485 - 505 11
511 - 620
643 - 666 11
807 12
811 y
(fits to be an offset of 12)
1005 x
(-11 is closest word that contains an x)
The final adjusted code is therefore (differences shown in bold, new code on bottom)
115 115 |
73 73 |
24 24 |
807 807 |
37 37 |
52 52 |
49 49 |
17 17 |
31 31 |
62 62 |
647 647 |
22 22 |
7 7 |
15 15 |
140 140 |
47 47 |
29 29 |
107 107 |
79 79 |
84 84 |
56 56 |
239 239 |
10 10 |
26 26 |
811 811 |
5 5 |
196 196 |
308 308 |
85 85 |
52 52 |
160 160 |
136 136 |
59 59 |
211 211 |
36 36 |
9 9 |
46 46 |
316 316 |
554 554 |
122 122 |
106 106 |
95 95 |
53 53 |
58 58 |
2 2 |
42 42 |
7 7 |
35 35 |
122 122 |
53 53 |
31 31 |
82 82 |
77 77 |
250 250 |
196 196 |
56 56 |
96 96 |
118 118 |
71 71 |
140 140 |
287 287 |
28 28 |
353 353 |
37 37 |
1005 1005 |
65 65 |
147 147 |
807 807 |
24 24 |
3 3 |
8 8 |
12 12 |
47 47 |
43 43 |
59 59 |
807 807 |
45 45 |
316 316 |
101 101 |
41 41 |
78 78 |
154 154 |
1005 1005 |
122 122 |
138 138 |
191 191 |
16 16 |
77 77 |
49 49 |
102 102 |
57 57 |
72 72 |
34 34 |
73 73 |
85 85 |
35 35 |
371 371 |
59 59 |
196 196 |
81 81 |
92 92 |
191 191 |
106 106 |
273 273 |
60 60 |
394 394 |
620 620 |
270 270 |
220 220 |
106 106 |
388 388 |
287 287 |
63 63 |
3 3 |
6 6 |
191 191 |
122 122 |
43 43 |
234 234 |
400 400 |
106 106 |
290 290 |
314 314 |
47 47 |
48 48 |
81 81 |
96 96 |
26 26 |
115 115 |
92 92 |
158 158 |
191 191 |
110 110 |
77 77 |
85 85 |
197 197 |
46 46 |
10 10 |
113 113 |
140 140 |
353 353 |
48 48 |
120 120 |
106 106 |
2 2 |
607 607 |
61 61 |
420 420 |
811 811 |
29 29 |
125 125 |
14 14 |
20 20 |
37 37 |
105 105 |
28 28 |
248 248 |
16 16 |
159 159 |
7 7 |
35 35 |
19 19 |
301 301 |
125 125 |
110 110 |
486 486 |
287 287 |
98 98 |
117 117 |
511 511 |
62 62 |
51 51 |
220 220 |
37 37 |
113 113 |
140 140 |
807 807 |
138 138 |
540 540 |
8 8 |
44 44 |
287 287 |
388 388 |
117 117 |
18 18 |
79 79 |
344 344 |
34 34 |
20 20 |
59 59 |
511 511 |
548 548 |
107 107 |
603 603 |
220 220 |
7 7 |
66 66 |
154 154 |
41 41 |
20 20 |
50 50 |
6 6 |
575 575 |
122 122 |
154 154 |
248 248 |
110 110 |
61 61 |
52 52 |
33 33 |
30 30 |
5 5 |
38 38 |
8 8 |
14 14 |
84 84 |
57 57 |
540 540 |
217 217 |
115 115 |
71 71 |
29 29 |
84 85 |
63 63 |
43 43 |
131 131 |
29 29 |
138 138 |
47 47 |
73 73 |
239 239 |
540 540 |
52 52 |
53 53 |
79 79 |
118 118 |
51 51 |
44 44 |
63 63 |
196 196 |
12 12 |
239 239 |
112 112 |
3 3 |
49 49 |
79 79 |
353 353 |
105 105 |
56 56 |
371 371 |
557 557 |
211 211 |
505 505 |
125 125 |
360 360 |
133 133 |
143 143 |
101 101 |
15 15 |
284 284 |
540 540 |
252 252 |
14 14 |
205 205 |
140 140 |
344 344 |
26 26 |
811 811 |
138 138 |
115 115 |
48 48 |
73 73 |
34 34 |
205 205 |
316 316 |
607 607 |
63 63 |
220 220 |
7 7 |
52 52 |
150 150 |
44 44 |
52 52 |
16 16 |
40 40 |
37 37 |
158 158 |
807 807 |
37 37 |
121 121 |
12 12 |
95 95 |
10 10 |
15 15 |
35 35 |
12 12 |
131 131 |
62 62 |
115 115 |
102 102 |
807 807 |
49 49 |
53 53 |
135 135 |
138 138 |
30 30 |
31 31 |
62 62 |
67 67 |
41 41 |
85 85 |
63 63 |
10 10 |
106 106 |
807 807 |
138 138 |
8 8 |
113 113 |
20 20 |
32 32 |
33 33 |
37 37 |
353 353 |
287 287 |
140 140 |
47 47 |
85 85 |
50 50 |
37 37 |
49 49 |
47 47 |
64 64 |
6 6 |
7 7 |
71 71 |
33 33 |
4 4 |
43 43 |
47 47 |
63 63 |
1 1 |
27 27 |
600 600 |
208 208 |
230 230 |
15 15 |
191 191 |
246 246 |
85 85 |
94 94 |
511 511 |
2 2 |
270 270 |
20 20 |
39 39 |
7 7 |
33 33 |
44 44 |
22 22 |
40 40 |
7 7 |
10 10 |
3 3 |
811 811 |
106 106 |
44 44 |
486 486 |
230 230 |
353 353 |
211 211 |
200 200 |
31 31 |
10 10 |
38 38 |
140 140 |
297 297 |
61 61 |
603 603 |
320 320 |
302 302 |
666 666 |
287 287 |
2 2 |
44 44 |
33 33 |
32 32 |
511 511 |
548 548 |
10 10 |
6 6 |
250 250 |
557 557 |
246 246 |
53 53 |
37 37 |
52 52 |
83 83 |
47 47 |
320 320 |
38 38 |
33 33 |
807 807 |
7 7 |
44 44 |
30 30 |
31 31 |
250 250 |
10 10 |
15 15 |
35 35 |
106 106 |
160 160 |
113 113 |
31 31 |
102 102 |
406 406 |
230 230 |
540 540 |
320 320 |
29 29 |
66 66 |
33 33 |
101 101 |
807 807 |
138 138 |
301 301 |
316 316 |
353 353 |
320 320 |
220 220 |
37 37 |
52 52 |
28 28 |
540 540 |
320 320 |
33 33 |
8 8 |
48 48 |
107 107 |
50 50 |
811 811 |
7 7 |
2 2 |
113 113 |
73 73 |
16 16 |
125 125 |
11 11 |
110 110 |
67 67 |
102 102 |
807 807 |
33 33 |
59 59 |
81 81 |
158 158 |
38 38 |
43 43 |
581 581 |
138 138 |
19 19 |
85 85 |
400 400 |
38 38 |
43 43 |
77 77 |
14 14 |
27 27 |
8 8 |
47 47 |
138 138 |
63 63 |
140 140 |
44 44 |
35 35 |
22 22 |
177 177 |
106 106 |
250 250 |
314 314 |
217 217 |
2 2 |
10 10 |
7 7 |
1005 1005 |
4 4 |
20 20 |
25 25 |
44 44 |
48 48 |
7 7 |
26 26 |
46 46 |
110 110 |
230 230 |
807 807 |
191 191 |
34 34 |
112 112 |
147 147 |
44 44 |
110 110 |
121 121 |
125 125 |
96 96 |
41 41 |
51 51 |
50 50 |
140 140 |
56 56 |
47 47 |
152 152 |
540 540 |
63 63 |
807 807 |
28 28 |
42 42 |
250 250 |
138 138 |
582 582 |
98 98 |
643 643 |
32 32 |
107 107 |
140 140 |
112 112 |
26 26 |
85 85 |
138 138 |
540 540 |
53 54 |
20 20 |
125 125 |
371 371 |
38 38 |
36 36 |
10 10 |
52 52 |
118 118 |
136 136 |
102 102 |
420 420 |
150 150 |
112 112 |
71 71 |
14 14 |
20 20 |
7 7 |
24 24 |
18 18 |
12 12 |
807 807 |
37 37 |
67 67 |
110 110 |
62 62 |
33 33 |
21 21 |
95 95 |
220 220 |
511 511 |
102 102 |
811 811 |
30 30 |
83 83 |
84 84 |
305 305 |
620 620 |
15 15 |
2 2 |
108 10, 8 |
220 220 |
106 106 |
353 353 |
105 105 |
106 106 |
60 60 |
275 275 |
72 72 |
8 8 |
50 50 |
205 205 |
185 185 |
112 112 |
125 125 |
540 540 |
65 65 |
106 106 |
807 807 |
188 191 |
96 96 |
110 110 |
16 16 |
73 73 |
32 33 |
807 807 |
150 150 |
409 409 |
400 400 |
50 50 |
154 154 |
285 285 |
96 96 |
106 106 |
316 316 |
270 270 |
205 205 |
101 101 |
811 811 |
400 400 |
8 8 |
44 44 |
37 37 |
52 52 |
40 40 |
241 241 |
34 34 |
205 205 |
38 38 |
16 16 |
46 46 |
47 47 |
85 85 |
24 24 |
44 44 |
15 15 |
64 64 |
73 73 |
138 138 |
807 807 |
85 85 |
78 78 |
110 110 |
33 33 |
420 420 |
505 505 |
53 53 |
37 37 |
38 38 |
22 22 |
31 31 |
10 10 |
110 110 |
106 106 |
101 101 |
140 140 |
15 15 |
38 38 |
3 3 |
5 5 |
44 44 |
7 7 |
98 98 |
287 287 |
135 135 |
150 150 |
96 96 |
33 33 |
84 84 |
125 125 |
807 807 |
191 191 |
96 96 |
511 511 |
118 118 |
440 459 |
370 370 |
643 643 |
466 466 |
106 106 |
41 41 |
107 107 |
603 603 |
220 220 |
275 275 |
30 30 |
150 150 |
105 105 |
49 49 |
53 53 |
287 287 |
250 250 |
208 208 |
134 134 |
7 7 |
53 53 |
12 12 |
47 47 |
85 85 |
63 63 |
138 138 |
110 110 |
21 21 |
112 112 |
140 140 |
485 485 |
486 486 |
505 505 |
14 14 |
73 73 |
84 85 |
575 575 |
1005 1005 |
150 150 |
200 200 |
16 16 |
42 42 |
5 5 |
4 4 |
25 25 |
42 42 |
8 8 |
16 16 |
811 811 |
125 125 |
160 160 |
32 32 |
205 205 |
603 603 |
807 807 |
81 81 |
96 95 |
405 405 |
41 41 |
600 600 |
136 136 |
14 14 |
20 20 |
28 28 |
26 26 |
353 353 |
302 302 |
246 246 |
8 8 |
131 131 |
160 160 |
140 140 |
84 84 |
440 440 |
42 42 |
16 16 |
811 811 |
40 40 |
67 67 |
101 101 |
102 102 |
194 194 |
138 138 |
205 205 |
51 51 |
63 63 |
241 241 |
540 540 |
122 122 |
8 8 |
10 10 |
63 63 |
140 140 |
47 47 |
48 48 |
140 140 |
288 288 |
Using these adjustments to the code mappings produces.
I have deposited in the county of bedford about four miles from bufords in an excavation or vault six feet below the surface of the ground The following articles belonging jointly to the parties whose names are given in number three here with the first deposit consisted of Ten hundred and fourteen pounds of gold and thirty eight hundred and twelve pounds of silver deposited nov eighteen nineteen the Second was made dec eighteen twentyone and consisted of nineteen hundred and seven pounds of gold and twelve hundred and Eighty eight of silver also jewels obtained in stlouis in exchange to save transportation and valued at thirteen thousand dollars the Above is securely packed in iron pots with iron covers the vault is roughly lined with stone and the vessels rest on solid stone and are covered hith others paper number one describes the exact locality of the vault so that no difficulty will be had in finding it
The next table now compares what the decode is in the Beale Paper’s vs. what we obtained using the adjusted DOI. Beale Paper’s decoding is the top word; decode with adjusted DOI on the bottom.
I I |
have have |
deposited deposited |
in in |
the the |
county county |
of of |
Bedford bedford |
about about |
four four |
miles miles |
from from |
Bufords bufords |
in in |
an an |
excavation excavation |
or or |
vault vault |
six six |
feet feet |
below below |
the the |
surface surface |
of of |
the the |
ground ground |
the the |
following following |
articles articles |
belonging belonging |
jointly jointly |
to to |
the the |
parties parties |
whose whose |
names names |
are are |
given given |
in in |
number number |
three three |
here here |
with with |
The the |
first first |
deposit deposit |
consisted consisted |
of of |
one ten |
thousand hundred |
and and |
fourteen fourteen |
pounds pounds |
of of |
gold gold |
and and |
three thirty |
thousand |
eight eight |
hundred hundred |
and and |
twelve twelve |
pounds pounds |
of of |
silver silver |
deposited deposited |
November nov |
1819 eighteennineteen |
The the |
second second |
was was |
made made |
December dec |
1821 eighteentwentyone |
and and |
consisted consisted |
of of |
nineteen nineteen |
hundred hundred |
and and |
seven seven |
pounds pounds |
of of |
gold gold |
and and |
twelve twelve |
hundred hundred |
and and |
eighty-eight eightyeight |
pounds |
of of |
silver silver |
also also |
jewels jewels |
obtained obtained |
in in |
St st |
Louis louis |
in in |
exchange exchange |
for silver |
to save to save |
transportation transportation |
and and |
valued valued |
at at |
$13,000.00 thirteenthousanddollars |
The the |
above above |
is is |
securely securely |
packed packed |
in in |
iron iron |
pots pots |
with with |
iron iron |
covers covers |
The the |
vault vault |
is is |
roughly roughly |
lined lined |
with with |
stone stone |
and and |
the the |
vessels vessels |
rest rest |
on on |
solid solid |
stone stone |
and and |
are are |
covered covered |
with with |
others others |
Paper paper |
number number |
"1" one |
describes describes |
the the |
exact exact |
locality locality |
of of |
the the |
vault vault |
so so |
that that |
no no |
difficulty difficulty |
will will |
be be |
had had |
in in |
finding finding |
it it |
The differences in the code numbers could have happened either in the original encoding of the document or when it was copied into the Beale book. The missing words in the codes such as pounds and for silver could have been added mistakenly or on purpose when copying the transcript.
The offsets suggest errors occurred when the words were being counted in the Declaration of Independence. These errors have to be the same in the encoding and decoding of the codes so if the Beale codes are not a hoax one of the following needs to be true: Both Beale and Ward would have had to coincidentally made the same counting errors and both used a copy Declaration of Independence with the same missing and different words from the true Declaration of Independence; Ward forgot to mention the miscounts; or somebody besides Ward broke the code. I find it hard to believe that Beale and Ward both had the same counting errors and incorrectly copied Declaration of Independence. For Ward figuring out the offsets I doubt if he would have forgotten to mention this because it would have been no small feat to both figure out the key document was the Declaration of Independence by looking at the original mappings; determining the counting error or drop a word (remember this is 1885 do he would be doing all this by hand) and then forgetting to mention it in his book. The last option that somebody besides Ward broke the code goes against Ward’s credibility for the document since he claims to be the one that broke the code.
The above shows that even if you believe the Beale papers are not a hoax it would be hard to find the key document(s) due to counting errors and the codes being copied incorrectly when the papers were originally encoded.
The following text is obtained if the vault document is decoded with the Declaration of Independence. Some codes are greater than the total number of words in the DOI which are indicated by an *.
If instead of using the DOI we use the DOI adjusted for the counting errors we obtain the text below. * are again used for codes larger than the total number of words in the DOI and ? marks are used for codes that we aren’t sure what the adjustment should be because the code value aren’t used in No 2.
When we do this some suspicious sequences can be called out as indicated in bold.
It is also interesting to note that the runs abc sequences use different code values.
a*(147), b*(436),
c*(195), d*(320), e*(37), f*(122), g*(113), h*(6), i*(140), i*(8), j*(120),
k*(305), l*(42), m*(58),m*(461), n*(44), o*(106), h*(301), p*(13), p*(408)
Here is the list of names decoded with both the DOI and the adjusted DOI. There don’t seem to be anything that supports a hoax or authentic code using the adusted DOI but I’ve included it here for completeness.
The names document if decoded with the Declaration of Independence
Names with adjusted declaration
The letter N, and E have the interesting quality of not starting very many words but are contained within words.
In a run of 100 words n on average will be the first character to only 1-2 of these words but in a run of 100 characters (of valid words) it appears 6 – 7 times. E will only be the first character in 2-3 of words but there will be 11 – 12 characters. V also has this feature but it usage is rare. In 1000 words you can find the letter view 1-2 times but in 1000 characters it occurs 11-12 times
Therefore, if a document is being used as a key there are fewer words to choose from for N and E so higher usage of a code number would indicate a good chance the code maps to either an N or E.
If we take a look at paper2 and sort the codes by how many times they are reused you get the following top 15 codes
Code |
Word |
Usage Count |
807 |
valuable |
18 |
7 |
events |
15 |
106 |
of |
15 |
140 |
is |
15 |
138 |
ends |
14 |
10 |
necessary |
13 |
33 |
earth |
13 |
37 |
equal |
13 |
44 |
nature |
13 |
47 |
nature's |
13 |
85 |
equal |
13 |
8 |
it |
12 |
63 |
declare |
11 |
110 |
secure |
11 |
52 |
decent |
10 |
Notice these correspond to what we would expect. Of the top 15 codes 8 are either an e or an n. V is also included. Although it isn’t surprising that there were few v’s to choose from in the document it is surprising the v was used so many times. Also note that number 807, 106, 140, 138 appear in the top five even though they are high numbers
If we apply this same logic to the other papers
Paper 1 (Location of the vault)
Code |
Usage Count |
18 |
8 |
19 |
7 |
216 |
7 |
16 |
6 |
84 |
6 |
81 |
6 |
88 |
6 |
10 |
5 |
63 |
5 |
38 |
5 |
34 |
5 |
71 |
5 |
36 |
5 |
64 |
5 |
11 |
5 |
Paper 3 (Names)
Code |
Usage Count |
96 |
13 |
18 |
11 |
89 |
10 |
19 |
9 |
66 |
9 |
81 |
8 |
84 |
7 |
11 |
7 |
44 |
7 |
28 |
7 |
77 |
7 |
82 |
7 |
48 |
6 |
65 |
6 |
218 |
6 |
Notice these are a lot flatter and the numbers don’t go over 218. Statistically if there can only be a few n’s and and e’s every hundred word then the majority of these numbers cannot be n’s or e’s. This would indicate that the key document used contains more words that begins with n and e’s than your typical document or the codes don’t spell anything.
Of the top five numbers in paper 1 only the number 216 is over 100. in paper 3 nothing goes over 96.
Another side point is if you put the to used numbers in paper 1 and 3 side by side the majority of the top numbers are different. If the paper’s are not a hoax it would indicate that if the same key document was used it would contains a very very unusually high words that start with n and e or that each code has a different key document.
Paper 1 Paper 3
10 |
11 |
11 |
16 |
18 |
18 |
19 |
19 |
34 |
28 |
36 |
44 |
38 |
48 |
63 |
65 |
64 |
66 |
71 |
77 |
81 |
81 |
82 |
84 |
84 |
88 |
89 |
96 |
216 |
218 |
Many of the pages on the Internet that list the Beale codes are listing what was printed in the Innis book "Gold In The Blue Ridge". The No. 2 code published in this book have been altered to match a correctly counted Declaration of Independence. This can easily be seen by looking at the first few codes we see the fourth code in is different
Innis book No2: 115 73 24 818 37
Beal Paper’s No 2: 115 73 24 807 37
Here is what I have for the codes.
71, 194, 38, 1701, 89, 76, 11, 83, 1629, 48, 94, 63, 132, 16, 111, 95, 84, 341, 975, 14, 40, 64, 27, 81, 139, 213, 63, 90, 1120, 8, 15, 3, 126, 2018, 40, 74, 758, 485, 604, 230, 436, 664, 582, 150, 251, 284, 308, 231, 124, 211, 486, 225, 401, 370, 11, 101, 305, 139, 189, 17, 33, 88, 208, 193, 145, 1, 94, 73, 416, 918, 263, 28, 500, 538, 356, 117, 136, 219, 27, 176, 130, 10, 460, 25, 485, 18, 436, 65, 84, 200, 283, 118, 320, 138, 36, 416, 280, 15, 71, 224, 961, 44, 16, 401, 39, 88, 61, 304, 12, 21, 24, 283, 134, 92, 63, 246, 486, 682, 7, 219, 184, 360, 780, 18, 64, 463, 474, 131, 160, 79, 73, 440, 95, 18, 64, 581, 34, 69, 128, 367, 460, 17, 81, 12, 103, 820, 62, 116, 97, 103, 862, 70, 60, 1317, 471, 540, 208, 121, 890, 346, 36, 150, 59, 568, 614, 13, 120, 63, 219, 812, 2160, 1780, 99, 35, 18, 21, 136, 872, 15, 28, 170, 88, 4, 30, 44, 112, 18, 147, 436, 195, 320, 37, 122, 113, 6, 140, 8, 120, 305, 42, 58, 461, 44, 106, 301, 13, 408, 680, 93, 86, 116, 530, 82, 568, 9, 102, 38, 416, 89, 71, 216, 728, 965, 818, 2, 38, 121, 195, 14, 326, 148, 234, 18, 55, 131, 234, 361, 824, 5, 81, 623, 48, 961, 19, 26, 33, 10, 1101, 365, 92, 88, 181, 275, 346, 201, 206, 86, 36, 219, 324, 829, 840, 64, 326, 19, 48, 122, 85, 216, 284, 919, 861, 326, 985, 233, 64, 68, 232, 431, 960, 50, 29, 81, 216, 321, 603, 14, 612, 81, 360, 36, 51, 62, 194, 78, 60, 200, 314, 676, 112, 4, 28, 18, 61, 136, 247, 819, 921, 1060, 464, 895, 10, 6, 66, 119, 38, 41, 49, 602, 423, 962, 302, 294, 875, 78, 14, 23, 111, 109, 62, 31, 501, 823, 216, 280, 34, 24, 150, 1000, 162, 286, 19, 21, 17, 340, 19, 242, 31, 86, 234, 140, 607, 115, 33, 191, 67, 104, 86, 52, 88, 16, 80, 121, 67, 95, 122, 216, 548, 96, 11, 201, 77, 364, 218, 65, 667, 890, 236, 154, 211, 10, 98, 34, 119, 56, 216, 119, 71, 218, 1164, 1496, 1817, 51, 39, 210, 36, 3, 19, 540, 232, 22, 141, 617, 84, 290, 80, 46, 207, 411, 150, 29, 38, 46, 172, 85, 194, 39, 261, 543, 897, 624, 18, 212, 416, 127, 931, 19, 4, 63, 96, 12, 101, 418, 16, 140, 230, 460, 538, 19, 27, 88, 612, 1431, 90, 716, 275, 74, 83, 11, 426, 89, 72, 84, 1300, 1706, 814, 221, 132, 40, 102, 34, 868, 975, 1101, 84, 16, 79, 23, 16, 81, 122, 324, 403, 912, 227, 936, 447, 55, 86, 34, 43, 212, 107, 96, 314, 264, 1065, 323, 428, 601, 203, 124, 95, 216, 814, 2906, 654, 820, 2, 301, 112, 176, 213, 71, 87, 96, 202, 35, 10, 2, 41, 17, 84, 221, 736, 820, 214, 11, 60, 760.
317, 8, 92, 73, 112, 89, 67, 318, 28, 96,107, 41, 631, 78, 146, 397, 118, 98, 114, 246, 348, 116, 74, 88, 12, 65, 32, 14, 81, 19, 76, 121, 216, 85, 33, 66, 15, 108, 68, 77, 43, 24, 122, 96, 117, 36, 211, 301, 15, 44, 11, 46, 89, 18, 136, 68, 317, 28, 90, 82, 304, 71, 43, 221, 198, 176, 310, 319, 81, 99, 264, 380, 56, 37, 319, 2, 44, 53, 28, 44, 75, 98, 102, 37, 85, 107, 117, 64, 88, 136, 48, 151, 99, 175, 89, 315, 326, 78, 96, 214, 218, 311, 43, 89, 51, 90, 75, 128, 96, 33, 28, 103, 84, 65, 26, 41, 246, 84, 270, 98, 116, 32, 59, 74, 66, 69, 240, 15, 8, 121, 20, 77, 89, 31, 11, 106, 81, 191, 224, 328, 18, 75, 52, 82, 117, 201, 39, 23, 217, 27, 21, 84, 35, 54, 109, 128, 49, 77, 88, 1, 81, 217, 64, 55, 83, 116, 251, 269, 311, 96, 54, 32, 120, 18, 132, 102, 219, 211, 84, 150, 219, 275, 312, 64, 10, 106, 87, 75, 47, 21, 29, 37, 81, 44, 18, 126, 115, 132, 160, 181, 203, 76, 81, 299, 314, 337, 351, 96, 11, 28, 97, 318, 238, 106, 24, 93, 3, 19, 17, 26, 60, 73, 88, 14, 126, 138, 234, 286, 297, 321, 365, 264, 19, 22, 84, 56, 107, 98, 123, 111, 214, 136, 7, 33, 45, 40, 13, 28, 46, 42, 107, 196, 227, 344, 198, 203, 247, 116, 19, 8, 212, 230, 31, 6, 328, 65, 48, 52, 59, 41, 122, 33, 117, 11, 18, 25, 71, 36, 45, 83, 76, 89, 92, 31, 65, 70, 83, 96, 27, 33, 44, 50, 61, 24, 112, 136, 149, 176, 180, 194, 143, 171, 205, 296, 87, 12, 44, 51, 89, 98, 34, 41, 208, 173, 66, 9, 35, 16, 95, 8, 113, 175, 90, 56, 203, 19, 177, 183, 206, 157, 200, 218, 260, 291, 305, 618, 951, 320, 18, 124, 78, 65, 19, 32, 124, 48, 53, 57, 84, 96, 207, 244, 66, 82, 119, 71, 11, 86, 77, 213, 54, 82, 316, 245, 303, 86, 97, 106, 212, 18, 37, 15, 81, 89, 16, 7, 81, 39, 96, 14, 43, 216, 118, 29, 55, 109, 136, 172, 213, 64, 8, 227, 304, 611, 221, 364, 819, 375, 128, 296, 1, 18, 53, 76, 10, 15, 23, 19, 71, 84, 120, 134, 66, 73, 89, 96, 230, 48, 77, 26, 101, 127, 936, 218, 439, 178, 171, 61, 226, 313, 215, 102, 18, 167, 262, 114, 218, 66, 59, 48, 27, 19, 13, 82, 48, 162, 119, 34, 127, 139, 34, 128, 129, 74, 63, 120, 11, 54, 61, 73, 92, 180, 66, 75, 101, 124, 265, 89, 96, 126, 274, 896, 917, 434, 461, 235, 890, 312, 413, 328, 381, 96, 105, 217, 66, 118, 22, 77, 64, 42, 12, 7, 55, 24, 83, 67, 97, 109, 121, 135, 181, 203, 219, 228, 256, 21, 34, 77, 319, 374, 382, 675, 684, 717, 864, 203, 4, 18, 92, 16, 63, 82, 22, 46, 55, 69, 74, 112, 134, 186, 175, 119, 213, 416, 312, 343, 264, 119, 186, 218, 343, 417, 845, 951, 124, 209, 49, 617, 856, 924, 936, 72, 19, 28, 11, 35, 42, 40, 66, 85, 94, 112, 65, 82, 115, 119, 236, 244, 186, 172, 112, 85, 6, 56, 38, 44, 85, 72, 32, 47, 63, 96, 124, 217, 314, 319, 221, 644, 817, 821, 934, 922, 416, 975, 10, 22, 18, 46, 137, 181, 101, 39, 86, 103, 116, 138, 164, 212, 218, 296, 815, 380, 412, 460, 495, 675, 820, 952.
115, 73, 24, 807, 37, 52, 49, 17, 31, 62, 647, 22, 7, 15, 140, 47, 29, 107, 79, 84, 56, 239, 10, 26, 811, 5, 196, 308, 85, 52, 160, 136, 59, 211, 36, 9, 46, 316, 554, 122, 106, 95, 53, 58, 2, 42, 7, 35, 122, 53, 31, 82, 77, 250, 196, 56, 96, 118, 71, 140, 287, 28, 353, 37, 1005, 65, 147, 807, 24, 3, 8, 12, 47, 43, 59, 807, 45, 316, 101, 41, 78, 154, 1005, 122, 138, 191, 16, 77, 49, 102, 57, 72, 34, 73, 85, 35, 371, 59, 196, 81, 92, 191, 106, 273, 60, 394, 620, 270, 220, 106, 388, 287, 63, 3, 6, 191, 122, 43, 234, 400, 106, 290, 314, 47, 48, 81, 96, 26, 115, 92, 158, 191, 110, 77, 85, 197, 46, 10, 113, 140, 353, 48, 120, 106, 2, 607, 61, 420, 811, 29, 125, 14, 20, 37, 105, 28, 248, 16, 159, 7, 35, 19, 301, 125, 110, 486, 287, 98, 117, 511, 62, 51, 220, 37, 113, 140, 807, 138, 540, 8, 44, 287, 388, 117, 18, 79, 344, 34, 20, 59, 511, 548, 107, 603, 220, 7, 66, 154, 41, 20, 50, 6, 575, 122, 154, 248, 110, 61, 52, 33, 30, 5, 38, 8, 14, 84, 57, 540, 217, 115, 71, 29, 84, 63, 43, 131, 29, 138, 47, 73, 239, 540, 52, 53, 79, 118, 51, 44, 63, 196, 12, 239, 112, 3, 49, 79, 353, 105, 56, 371, 557, 211, 505, 125, 360, 133, 143, 101, 15, 284, 540, 252, 14, 205, 140, 344, 26, 811, 138, 115, 48, 73, 34, 205, 316, 607, 63, 220, 7, 52, 150, 44, 52, 16, 40, 37, 158, 807, 37, 121, 12, 95, 10, 15, 35, 12, 131, 62, 115, 102, 807, 49, 53, 135, 138, 30, 31, 62, 67, 41, 85, 63, 10, 106, 807, 138, 8, 113, 20, 32, 33, 37, 353, 287, 140, 47, 85, 50, 37, 49, 47, 64, 6, 7, 71, 33, 4, 43, 47, 63, 1, 27, 600, 208, 230, 15, 191, 246, 85, 94, 511, 2, 270, 20, 39, 7, 33, 44, 22, 40, 7, 10, 3, 811, 106, 44, 486, 230, 353, 211, 200, 31, 10, 38, 140, 297, 61, 603, 320, 302, 666, 287, 2, 44, 33, 32, 511, 548, 10, 6, 250, 557, 246, 53, 37, 52, 83, 47, 320, 38, 33, 807, 7, 44, 30, 31, 250, 10, 15, 35, 106, 160, 113, 31, 102, 406, 230, 540, 320, 29, 66, 33, 101, 807, 138, 301, 316, 353, 320, 220, 37, 52, 28, 540, 320, 33, 8, 48, 107, 50, 811, 7, 2, 113, 73, 16, 125, 11, 110, 67, 102, 807, 33, 59, 81, 158, 38, 43, 581, 138, 19, 85, 400, 38, 43, 77, 14, 27, 8, 47, 138, 63, 140, 44, 35, 22, 177, 106, 250, 314, 217, 2, 10, 7, 1005, 4, 20, 25, 44, 48, 7, 26, 46, 110, 230, 807, 191, 34, 112, 147, 44, 110, 121, 125, 96, 41, 51, 50, 140, 56, 47, 152, 540, 63, 807, 28, 42, 250, 138, 582, 98, 643, 32, 107, 140, 112, 26, 85, 138, 540, 53, 20, 125, 371, 38, 36, 10, 52, 118, 136, 102, 420, 150, 112, 71, 14, 20, 7, 24, 18, 12, 807, 37, 67, 110, 62, 33, 21, 95, 220, 511, 102, 811, 30, 83, 84, 305, 620, 15, 2, 10, 8, 220, 106, 353, 105, 106, 60, 275, 72, 8, 50, 205, 185, 112, 125, 540, 65, 106, 807, 138, 96, 110, 16, 73, 33, 807, 150, 409, 400, 50, 154, 285, 96, 106, 316, 270, 205, 101, 811, 400, 8, 44, 37, 52, 40, 241, 34, 205, 38, 16, 46, 47, 85, 24, 44, 15, 64, 73, 138, 807, 85, 78, 110, 33, 420, 505, 53, 37, 38, 22, 31, 10, 110, 106, 101, 140, 15, 38, 3, 5, 44, 7, 98, 287, 135, 150, 96, 33, 84, 125, 807, 191, 96, 511, 118, 40, 370, 643, 466, 106, 41, 107, 603, 220, 275, 30, 150, 105, 49, 53, 287, 250, 208, 134, 7, 53, 12, 47, 85, 63, 138, 110, 21, 112, 140, 485, 486, 505, 14, 73, 84, 575, 1005, 150, 200, 16, 42, 5, 4, 25, 42, 8, 16, 811, 125, 160, 32, 205, 603, 807, 81, 96, 405, 41, 600, 136, 14, 20, 28, 26, 353, 302, 246, 8, 131, 160, 140, 84, 440, 42, 16, 811, 40, 67, 101, 102, 194, 138, 205, 51, 63, 241, 540, 122, 8, 10, 63, 140, 47, 48, 140, 288.